The project, titled "Reversing Roles", aims to explore the relationship between computers and humans in the context of design through a physical workbook. Traditionally, computers are seen as executors while humans are seen as ideators, but this project proposes a new approach where the roles are gradually reversed. The workbook consists of activities, exercises, and examples that encourage the user to think critically about this new relationship and its implications for creating innovative projects.
The exercises in the workbook are based on the conditional design principle, which encourages cooperation and exploration by introducing a certain set of conditions in a regulated process to create an infinite number of possible outcomes. For the computer system, the project makes use of the OpenAI GPT-3, which is fed with an inspiring set to generate ideas and methods.
The output of the project is a physical book that includes prompts for the user to directly make the exercises in the book and experiment with GPT-3 to generate new ideas and methods. Overall, "Reversing Roles" is an innovative approach to designing with computers that encourages the user to reflect on the dynamics of their interactions while exploring new possibilities.
Snippets of the workbook can be seen below.
Keywords: OpenAI, computer-generated art, conditional design
In collaboration with Björn Keyser